Newest outcomes

21. 11. 2024 - 24. 11. 2024
Boston, U.S.A.

56th ASEEES Annual Convention 2024

Kateřina Lišková, Theo Finsterschott and Vjačeslav Glazov presented at the 56th ASEEES Annual Convention in Boston in a panel Falling by the wayside. Expertise on unwanted children, youth criminals and sadistic women in socialist Czechoslovakia and Poland. 

27. 10. 2024 - 29. 10. 2024
Munich, Germany

The Transnational History of Attachment Theory in post-war Europe

Kateřina Lišková gave a lecture "Comparing Historical Developments. Sequences of Problem Solving and Sociology of Expertise as Methodological Tools" at the workshop "The transnational history of attachment theory in post-war Europe: an interdisciplinary study of agents, discourses, and practices" organized by Deutsches Jugendinstitut.

12. 9. 2024 - 14. 9. 2024
Zürich, Switzerland

History of Knowledge in History of Education

Theo Finsterschott presented a paper "School maturity testing in state-socialist Czechoslovakia" at the workshop “History of Knowledge in History of Education” taking place at the University of Zürich.

22. 8. 2024
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Reproductive Health from a Gender Perspective

Kateřina Lišková gave a lecture "Reproductive health from a gender perspective"​ as part of "Gender & Health" at Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

16. 7. 2024 - 19. 7. 2024
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Society for the Social History of Medicine Biennial conference

Kateřina Lišková, Annina Gagyiova and José L.A. López Barajas presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for the Social History of Medicine a panel “How to bring up a normal kid. Human science expertise on healthy child development in socialist East Central Europe”.

11. 6. 2024 - 13. 6. 2024
Uppsala, Sweden

Feminist Labour History Network at the 5th conference of the ELHN

Natalia Jarska and Annina Gagyiova presented at the Feminist Labour History Network at the 5th conference of the ELHN in a panel on “Expert discourses and struggles around the regulation of women’s labour”.

28. 5. 2024 - 30. 5. 2024
Sofia, Bulgaria

Transformations of Postwar Europe: Medicine, Bodies and Technologies

José L.A. López Barajas presented a paper: Socialist Bowlby. “Maternal deprivation and childcare institutions in socialist Poland and East Germany from a comparative and transnational perspective”. Vjačeslav Glazov presented a paper “The problem of youth criminality between psychiatry and criminology in socialist Czechoslovakia“.

8. 2. 2024
Regensburg, Germany

Colloquium at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS)

Kateřina Lišková, Natalia Jarska, Annina Gagyiova, José L.A. López, Vjačeslav Glazov and Theo Finsterschott presented at Colloquium at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS).

25. 1. 2024 - 26. 1. 2024
Utrecht, Netherlands

New Directions in Cultural History

Kateřina Lišková presented a paper "Population and reproduction: research vistas from Europe's peripheries," co-authored with Agata Ignaciuk, at the workshop New Directions in Cultural History organized by Utrecht University. 

11. 12. 2023
Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Women as Sexual Beings under Communism

Kateřina Lišková gave a lecture "Women as sexual beings under communism" at the Russian and East European Studies department of University of Pennsylvania​.

30. 11. 2023 - 3. 12. 2023
Philadelphia, U.S.A.

55th ASEEES Annual Convention 2023

Natalia Jarska, Annina Gagyiova, and José L.A. López Barajas presented at the 55th ASEEES Annual Convention in Philadelphia.

18. 10. 2023
Utrecht, Nizozemsko

Knowledge Practices

Kateřina Lišková presented at the workshop Knowledge Practices at the Utrecht University.

13. 9. 2023 - 14. 9. 2023
Berlin, Germany

Socialist Governmentality? Healthcare, technologies of the self, and subjectification in European state socialism, 1945-1990

Kateřina Lišková, Natalia Jarska presented at the "Socialist Governmentality? Healthcare, technologies of the self, and subjectification in European state socialism, 1945-1990" workshop organised at Charité Berlin.

7. 9. 2023 - 9. 9. 2023
Logroño, Spain

XVI Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea

As a part of the panel on "New studies on East-Central Europe", in his presentation "The experts and the Party, expert knowledge and governmentality in state socialist East Central Europe", José Luis Aguilar López-Barajas introduced the project for the first time to a Spanish-speaking audience at the XVI conference of the Asociación de Historia Contemporánea taking place in Logroño (Spain) 6th, 7th and 8th September 2023.

30. 8. 2023 - 2. 9. 2023
Oslo, Norway

EAHMH Conference

Kateřina Lišková, Natalia Jarska, Annina Gagyiova, and José L.A. López Barajas presented at the EAHMH conference which will take place from 30 August to 2 September 2023 in Oslo.

17. 8. 2023
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Reproductive Health from a Gender Perspective

Kateřina Lišková gave a lecture "Reproductive health from a gender perspective"​ as part of "Gender & Health" at Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

28. 6. 2023 - 2. 7. 2023
California, U.S.A.

Big Berks Conference

Kateřina Lišková, Natalia Jarska, Annina Gagyiova, and Markus Wahl presented at the Big Berks Conference.

7. 6. 2023 - 9. 6. 2023
Helsinki, Finland

Baltic Connections Conference in Social Science History

Kateřina Lišková presented a keynote lecture at the Baltic Connections conference.

2. 6. 2023 - 3. 6. 2023
Granada, Spain

Gender and Intersectionality in Science, Technology, and Medicine, Historical Perspectives

Natalia Jarska and José L.A. López Barajas presented at the University of Granada about gender, women’s emancipation and socialism in the lives of two pediatricians - a comparative look on East Germany and Poland.

19. 5. 2023
Paris, France

Health Sciences and the Social Health and Social Mobilization, 1950-2020s

Annina Gagyiova participated in the workshop "Health Sciences and the Social Health and Social Mobilization, 1950-2020s" in Paris on 19 May 2023.

26. 4. 2023 - 28. 4. 2023
Bochum, Germany

Workers and the “Golden Age of Social Democracy”, 1945-1975 Conference

Natalia Jarska presented a paper on Poland in a panel on the "Feminization of the Working Class" at the conference in Bochum at ISB.

12. 4. 2023 - 15. 4. 2023
Gothenburg, Sweden

ESSHC Conference

Kateřina Lišková, Natalia Jarska, Annina Gagyiova, and José L.A. López Barajas presented at the ESSHC Conference.

3. 4. 2023 - 4. 4. 2023
Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg Conference

Annina Gagyiova and José L.A. López Barajas presented at the Heidelberg conference.

17. 11. 2022 - 20. 11. 2022
Chicago, U.S.A.

SSHA Annual Conference 2022

Kateřina Lišková, Natalia Jarska, Annina Gagyiova, and José L.A. López Barajas presented at the conference SSHA Annual Conference which took place from 17th to 20th November 2022 in Chicago.

10. 11. 2022 - 13. 11. 2022
Chicago, U.S.A.

54th ASEEES Annual Convention 2022

Kateřina Lišková, Natalia Jarska, Annina Gagyiova, and José L.A. López Barajas presented at the conference 54th ASEEES Annual Convention which took place from 10th to 13th November 2022 in Chicago.

4. 11. 2022
New York, U.S.A.

Gender & Transformation in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia workshop

Kateřina Lišková gave a talk titled “Women and sexual health. The intersections of medical science and politics during state socialism in East-Central Europe” organized by the City University of New York.

3. 11. 2022
Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg University Workshop

Annina Gagyiova and José Luis Aguilar López-Barajas participated in the workshop "Kleinkinder und frühe Kindheit in Europa nach 1945"

13. 10. 2022

ASEEES - Virtual conference 2022

Kateřina Lišková chaired and discussed the panel "Religion, Intimacy and Precarity: Polish Catholic Narratives of (Non)reproduction (1980s-Present)" at ASEEES virtual conference.

7. 9. 2022
Brussel, Belgium

10th ESHS Conference Brussels 2022

Kateřina Lišková, Natalia Jarska, and Annina Gagyiova presented at the 10th ESHS Conference which took place on 7-10th September 2022 in Brussel, Belgium.

16. 6. 2022 - 17. 6. 2022
Jyväskylä, Finland

Baltic Connections Conference 2022

Kateřina Lišková, Natalia Jarska, Annina Gagyiova, and José L.A. López Barajas presented papers as a panel at the conference The Baltic Connections 2022 which took place at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, from June 16 to 17.

2. 6. 2022
Erfurt, Germany

Psychological expertise in Communist Europe Workshop

Kateřina and Annina presented at the workshop titled “The Varieties of Psychologization under State-Socialism, post WWII Europe” organized by Erfurt University.

29. 4. 2022 - 30. 4. 2022
Wien, Austria

Sozioökonomie der Sexualitäten Conference

Kateřina Lišková presented a keynote lecture titled "Woman as sexual beings in state socialism. How the state interest in reproduction translated into research on the female orgasm and how the pro-family policies fueled divorce"

3. 2. 2022

European Association for the History of Medicine and Health

Kateřina Lišková gave a talk as part of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health online webinar series

20. 10. 2021 - 21. 10. 2021
Marburg, Germany

Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung Conference

Natalia Jarska, Andrea Bělehradová, Markus Wahl and Kateřina Lišková presented papers at the conference Authority and medical expertise: health as a social good and political argument in Eastern Europe, Russia and beyond.

7. 9. 2021 - 10. 9. 2021
Lueven, Belgium

Biennial Conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health

Kateřina Lišková presented a paper Against the obscurantist views from the past.

26. 8. 2021 - 28. 8. 2021
Utrecht, Netherlands

Forensic Cultures in Europe Conference

Kateřina Lišková presented a paper Sexology as forensic science in state-socialist Czechoslovakia. On the intersections of expertise with the state and changes in the understanding of sexual deviance.

3. 8. 2021 - 8. 8. 2021
Montreal, Canada

International Council for Central and East European Studies World Congress

Kateřina Lišková presented a paper Divorce, Motherhood and Women's Emancipation in Late Socialist Czechoslovakia.

8. 5. 2021
Columbia, U.S.A.

ASN World Convention

Kateřina Lišková chaired the panel at the ASN World Convention, hosted by the Harriman Institute at Columbia University

20. 4. 2021
Utrecht, Netherlands

Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities at Utrecht University

Uncovering medical histories from the socialist East. The case of medical sexology in Czechoslovakia.

31. 3. 2021
Harvard, U.S.A.

Harvard University

Socialist Sexualities: Expert Knowledge and Intimate Revolutions in Poland and Czechoslovakia.

17. 3. 2021
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

University of Pennsylvania

Love and Sex Behind the Iron Curtain: What Can We Learn from the Experiences of 20th Century State Socialism in Eastern Europe?

7. 3. 2021

Democratic Socialists of America

Love and Sex Behind the Iron Curtain: 20th Century State Socialism in Eastern Europe. Kateřina Lišková participated in a discussion organized by the Democratic Socialists of America